Since the founding of the Primitive Band in 1819 has experienced the love of music and choirs. Choir gets great relief in the representations of the Nativity lyrical, works in Valencia, sacred dramas and, above all, the zarzuela, which was supposed to have, in addition to the solo parts, which, interestingly, were almost always female, standing or voices like Maria Encarnación Santes Verdeguer.

In 1928 the then Director of the Early Banda, master Llopis, at the initiative of the then student teacher in the Normal School of Valencia, Rafael Sornosa, and who later devoted many years to both the Company Secretary, as Chairman of the same, created a chorus of mixed voices to interpret especially polyphony. Since then many teachers as Machancoses Cervera, Blanquer, Hernandez, etc ..., wanted to cultivate the choral art, although his work focused more on the Early Banda. In 1967 the professor of music theory and bassoon Vicente Barona Nácher founded the first children's choir of the early band. In recent years, thanks to the introduction of the subject of Vocal Ensemble, has increased the level of motivation, participation and quality, emphasizing interventions choral ensemble in the choral festivals organized by the Ministry of Culture (1991 years 94). In 1994 to mark the end of the academic year, the choir staged under the direction of Maestro Barona, several anthologies of fragments zarzuela entitled Live In Zarzuela and complete other famous operettas as The King raged, Los Gavilanes or bunch of roses with tremendous success.
In 1995, the choir gave the show In Living Zarzuela III, who also collaborated in the House of Aragon of Puerto de Sagunto obtaining a great success. In October this year, made a brilliant performance at the Palau de la Música in Valencia organized by the House of Aragon of Puerto de Sagunto in Valencia Aragon Tribute. Also appoint his contributions to the Mass celebrated in the Parish of San Francisco in celebration of the feast of St. Cecilia.

In 1999, the choir was selected by the Council of Valencia for recording on CD Comes JB works, Pere Rabassa and Francisco Morera, Mestres collection of the Cathedral of Valencia, under the direction of Vicente Barona.

In 2000 performed several performances as a tribute to Juan Vte. Mas Quiles, zarzuela The Bunch of Roses and traditional carols concert performing at the Christmas Concert, under the direction of Vicente Barona Nácher.

Notably, in March 2001, the Coral Polifònica Banda Primitiva acted with the Primitive Band and the Choir of the Confraternity of the Court of Mary in the Proclamation of Older Clavarios Street Altar of the Sea, which took place in the Teatro Principal of Valencia.

All Coral añosla acts in the traditional Christmas concert in which he plays a few carols, but especially at the Festival Choir Santa Liria week since its inception in 2006 Just as you can not miss the performance of the Choir in celebration the festivities of Santa Cecilia in the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi.

In 2005 he took over from Vicente Lafuente Maurín direction he would take care of the Choir for two years. Later he went Empar Llácer and Carla Sanmartin.

Currently directs the Early Polyphonic Choir Band, Empar Llácer Sanchis.

Exposició: Una il·lusió col·lectiva. El treatre de J. Rieta.


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