Since the beginning of the Early Banda, performance art has accompanied the bandistico work. And in the first place in the Society a small theater where operettas as The Waffle, Alma de Dios, La Reina Mora ... etc were represented was mounted. Zarzuela has been the quintessential theatrical genre by clarinero most acclaimed groups, since in this genre music and interpretation are unified, the two great passions of our Musical Society.

Later in 1919, they moved to the so-called "Spanish Theatre", which eventually would become the Art Center Musical "El Clarin" theater, which opened with the zarzuela El Corporal and followed by other representations such as Giants Giants. But you have to highlight the successful sacred lyrical drama with lyrics by Emmanuel D. Vicente Nicolau and music teacher Michael D. Asensi being an artistic and public success, and whose creators were those clarineras clarineros and how masterfully played their parts in the address and Juan Manuel Villasante God. Such was the good acceptance of the work that has been playing over the years.
In 1925 there was a great theatrical event with the premiere of the historical poem Escoto or Subtle Doctor familiarly remembered with the title of The Paladin of the Immaculate.
In 1926 premiered with great success, zarzuela In the shadow of Pilar with a staff of actors and actresses, Clarin, led by Maestro director and arranger Juan de Dios Martinez.
Between 1929 and 1930 a comedy that marked time by being written in Valencian is represented, the Burra Amic Vosté Stop! Philip Melia subsequently represented on numerous occasions.

The years passed and successes were happening, highlighting the premiere of the operetta The King raged, Ruperto Chapi, led by Juan de Dios Martinez. Such was the success they were hired to perform at Swedish in June 1936.

Even in wartime has continued to make plays, highlighting the premiere of the operetta La Monteria. This play was performed for the benefit of Popular Dining hunger sated that the most disadvantaged by the war situation of the moment.

After the war and under the stage direction of D. Vicente Martínez (Vicentico) are staged two works by the master Serrano: The Sorrows and The Carnations, delighting fans genre called guy.
In 1941, with the spirit of achievement for the successes for decades, officials of the Table Art "Clarín", John of God and Vicentico, mounted one of the most important Spanish lyrical genre of the zarzuela Luisa Fernanda by Federico Moreno Torroba. In this work they were privileged to have the participation of the great divo Marcos Redondo ranted Box Art so that did not hesitate to repeat several times over the years their participation in different representations, such as: Los Gavilanes (1942, in who acted as the illustrious master arranger Juan Vicente Mas Quiles, who in 1943, returned to lead the zarzuela Mark D. Soutullo and Vert, La del Soto del Parral. Later that year, and under the direction of teacher Cebrian, also sang the the Bunch of Roses, Paul Sorozabal, and in 1944, he returned to sing under the direction of the same director, El Cantante masked. Five years later, not during that time were left to interpret sketches in Valencian, again Clarin Marcos Redondo in June 1949 at that time sang the Clubbing, music by Francisco Alonso, and the next day, once again, the Bunch of Roses. acted master arranger, the then head of the Band D. José María Machancoses. These were the last two operettas that were represented in the ancient theater.

Inaugurated the new Theatre Concert Hall Primitive Band Liria (1951) that same year and also with Marcos Redondo, El Cantar del plotted Horsemen, with music by Diaz Giles. 1952 The following year, in April, the musical artist I want to be with story and dialogues !, John and Lily Llavata Vicente Palomar and Castilian as responsible for the musical adaptation premiered, achieving similar success to previously achieved.

But it was not only Marcos Redondo who came to sing with the Table of Primitive Art. In later years, he did the Valencian baritone Anton Navarro, singing The Bunch of Roses and The Calesera. Also, Francisco Bosch, the big Spaniard sang zarzuela de Serrano, The Song of Forgetfulness. Similarly, Valencian and tenor José Ciscar sang La Dolorosa and Carnations. All this as we have said, with the Table Art of the Early Banda. A Picture Arts that between representation of both zarzuela, staged lot of sketches (pieces in Valencian) of such renowned authors in this genre, as Escalante, Peris Cell, Felipe Meliá, Paco Barchino, Eduardo Enrique Beltran Boil or among others.

It would be unfair not to review in the context of professionals who came to perform alongside the artistic picture, which without being, as they were true "amateurs" such as the voices of Mary Verdeguer, Remedios Arastey; those of Vicente Luis Izquierdo and sang; those of Juan Vicente Albiach Llavata and not forgetting the actresses and actors, as Consuelo Navarro, Amparo Cervera, and Lourdes García, Salvador Cortés, Manuel Rodrigo, Francisco Torres, and Juan Morato, along with many others. All of them, either with voice or performing arts contributed to the successes that representation after representation Box Art of the Early achieved.

In 1966 Table of Primitive Art Liria Band, under the direction of Salvador Cortés Quiles, the work involved with the Burra Amic Vosté Stop! Competition in the twentieth Theatrical Fallas winning several awards: First Prize for Best Actress, Enriqueta Morato Navarro; First prize for Best Director and First Prize for the best set of actores.Tras obtaining these awards, funded by the Cultural Hall of the Savings Bank, the comedy was represented by Table of Primitive Art in populations Bétera and Alzira, with remarkable success.
The importance and interest in zarzuela still evident in the 90's, and is now the Professor Vicente Barona Nácher musician who picked up the witness. Head of Vocal Ensemble School of Music takes to mount a series of anthologies that go to more. With titles In Zarzuela Viva, I, II and III, fail to bring new elements, let's call them actors who take part in these anthologies. This began in 1994 with two performances. He continued in 95 with two others, one of them represented in the Palau de la Música in Valencia. Both in these and in later, the public enjoyed the best known arias, duets I corals, performed by singers whose voices were highly applauded by the audience.

1996 began with the installation and performance of the operetta The King raged, Ruperto Chapi. Three functions to packed houses were made, and it was the first time the role of the King, was sung by a man. In this case, by the tenor Ricardo Gozálvez. And ending this year with a performance in October at the Teatro Principal of Valencia, with a new anthology, entitled This is now Zarzuela.

Start the year 1998 with the staging of Los Gavilanes, teacher Jacinto Guerrero (2 functions). Earlier this year, another anthology entitled Fleta Aragones Universal mounted. It was assembled at the request of Aragon Valencia Center, and sponsored by the Department of Education and Culture, Government of Aragón, in collaboration with IberCaja. Represented in the month of April at the Palau de la Música in Valencia, and in the month of May in our theater. A year later, 1999, this anthology recovered, represented again in May Liria, and a week later in Castellón, here also sponsored by the same entity. It, like the previous ones, with the whole, succeeded his voice Vicente Olivares champion jacks in Aragon.

In 2000, was assembled and represented twice, Paul Sorozabal zarzuela, The Bunch of Roses, sung by Valencia Boro Giner, baritone, and Ignacio Giner, tenor. One of them was included in the schedule of the festivities of San Miguel, sponsored by the City, with a contribution of 1,500,000 ptas.
And finally, in February 2002, was reenacted zarzuela Serrano, La Dolorosa, also sung by Ignacio Giner and Boro. And finally, in March 2003, represented The Clubbing, by baritone Javier Galán. These last two are represented under the musical direction of Maestro Roberto Fores Asensi, and as on previous occasions, to packed houses.

After years without raising backdrop, in June 2008, Paco Ibáñez takes over its predecessors and reunites a group of people who love the world of acting, and so, which revived the phoenix Theatre Group Banda Primitiva Liria, under the name of Grup de Teatre "Clarín". In November 2008 they premiered the work Eixa donates ton és stop with great success, with the support of the entire family Clarinera.
In March 2009, the Group Theatre "El Clarin" delighted us again with the play Christus "Passion and Death", which again demonstrated the good performance of the cast of actors and actresses who represented successfully.

In July 2009 accounted drama Lorca The House of Bernarda Alba.


Exposició: Una il·lusió col·lectiva. El treatre de J. Rieta.


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